Trying to go alkaline? It’s easier when you know which foods to consume stay alkaline as long as possible.
This Info-graphic below tells you the 7 most alkaline foods that are good to balance your diet!
Below you can find more Alkaline Foods That Fights Cancer, Pain Gout, Diabetes, and Heart Disease.
Alkalizing vegetables:
- Carrot
- Tomatoes
- Been Greens
- Onions
- Cabbage
- Eggplant
- Sprouts
- Spinach
- Green peas
- Mustard Greens
- Mushrooms
- Wild Greens
- Celery
- Wheat Grass
- Garlic
- Beets
- Dandelions
- Cucumber
- Broccoli
- Peas
- Green Beans
- Cauliflower
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7 Alkaline Foods That Fights Cancer, Pain Gout, Diabetes and Heart Disease
Reviewed by ana