Signs And Dangers Of Calcium Deficiency

We were taught to drink more milk as it is the rich source of calcium, a mineral that is particularly important for the health of our bones and teeth.
Namely, calcium is mineral which is extremely important for the human health, or more precisely it is crucial for strong bones and teeth. In addition to that, calcium is important for blood clotting, cell signaling, muscle contraction and nerve function. However, major part (about 99%) of the calcium in the human organism has a role in supporting the skeletal structure and its function.
Medical experts explain that besides children, adults, and women in particular, also need calcium in order to stay healthy.
According to the scientists at the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Nutrition Board, both men and women at the age between 19 and 50 years should take 1000 mg calcium on a daily basis. In addition to that, women over the age of 51, as well as men older than 71 years should take 1200 mg of calcium every day.
Doctors emphasize the importance of this mineral because calcium deficiency can be very dangerous and might cause severe health issues. Namely, studies showed that diet low in calcium can cause releasing of the PTH hormone. It breaks down the tone tissue in order to balance the decreased levels of calcium in the blood
Most of the health issues and diseases listed below are treated with medications, but the cause for these problems might be lack of calcium in the organism.

Leg cramps

Cramps in the legs are one of the first warning signs which indicate calcium deficiency. You also might experience muscle ache, particularly in the muscles of the thighs, arms and underarms while you are moving and walking.


Another sign of calcium deficiency might be more cavity than usual. According to some experts, when there is lack of calcium, the organism looks for it everywhere, including the teeth.

Brittle nails

In order to stay strong, besides the bones and teeth, the nails also need calcium deposits. Lack of calcium could make the nails extremely brittle and susceptible to breaks.

A toothache

A toothache and decay of the teeth might be another sign of calcium deficiency in the organism. Moreover, low levels of calcium increase the risk of periodontal disease. In children, lack of calcium has been linked to delayed and defective teething.

Frequent Fractures and Bone Breakage

As it is already mentioned, calcium builds the bones and makes them stronger. So, calcium deficiency will weaken the bones which might lead to frequent fractures and breakage. Therefore it you experience several small bone fractures or full bone breakages, it is highly advisable to start taking calcium supplements and increase the amount of calcium by making changes in your diet.


Calcium deficiency might lead to insomnia. Sometimes, the patient may fall asleep, but it won’t get a satisfactory and deep sleep.

Difficulty Losing Weight

Recent scientific studies showed that lack of calcium might lead to difficulties in losing weight. Namely, the calcium stored in fat cells helps regulate the processing and storage of fat in the body. The fat cells that contain the most calcium actually burn more fat, which leads to weight loss.


Calcium is mineral that is vital for proper neurotransmitter function and muscle contractions. So, calcium deficiency might lead to seizures in healthy people.
In order to prevent further complications and health issues, you need to start with proper treatment of calcium deficiency.
First of all, you should include foods abundant with calcium in your diet. Some of the products high in calcium are: milk, cheese, yogurt, beans, spinach, broccoli, figs, tofu, dandelion leaves, seaweeds (such as kelp), sardines, fortified cereals, soy milk nuts and seeds including pistachio, sesame, almonds and hazelnuts.
If you cannot get enough calcium through your diet, you should visit a doctor and start taking calcium supplements (in liquid, tablet or chewable form)

Certain foods and beverages, such as cffeine, soda and excess intake of sodium might disrupt the absorption of calcium. It is highly advisable to avoid these products or take them in moderate amounts.
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Signs And Dangers Of Calcium Deficiency Signs And Dangers Of Calcium Deficiency Reviewed by ana on 03:22 Rating: 5
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