Cure Vaginal & Yeast Infections With Natural & Herbal Remedies

Vaginal Infections cause a wide range of symptoms, including one or more of the following : itching, burning, and irritation in the vaginal area; painful intercourse, abnormal vaginal discharge, white “chunks” that resemble cottage cheese, foul odor, fishy odor, inflammation and swelling of the genital area, and burning during urination. A healthy vagina has a pungent odor unique to every person. Normal discharge is clear to white, turning yellow when exposed to air. The color and amount of discharge varies through the monthly cycled and depends largely on estrogen levels.
Bacterial vaginosis is responsible for at least 50% of vaginal infections. BV is caused by the growth of an unfriendly bacterium called Gardnerella vaginalis that lives in low-oxygen environments. When the vagina loses its natural acidity the Gardnerella bacteria thrive in the altered pH-neutral environment. A bacterial infection with Gardnerella causes a fishy odor along with vaginal itching and irritation. Discharge may vary from yellow to greyish white. BV does not cause pain during intercourse and sometimes causes no symptoms at all.
The common yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of a genus of yeast called Candida Albicans. This fungus–all yeasts are fungi–is present throughout the mouth and digestive tract in nearly 80% of the population, with little noticeable effects. This yeast starts out as a single-celled organism, but in the right conditions, it will, literally, go crazy, producing a huge branching structure of filaments, much like a tree with many, many branches. This tangled mass produces a visually identifiable infection called Candidiasis, which is responsible for vaginal yeast infections and mouth infections called thrush. In the most severe cases, Candida can invade the nose, organs, brain, and blood.
Risk Factors
Vaginal yeast infections occur most frequently after a course of antibiotics. Medications like penicillin kill all kinds of healthy bacteria, including the good vaginal flora.
Patients on steroidal medications and women on birth control pills or using IUDs are more likely to experience frequent yeast infections. Some women on birth control can develop yeast infection symptoms monthly, which subside at the beginning of the cycle and return again before menstruation.
Diet is a major influence on the body. Unhealthy food causes imbalances in the vaginal microflora. Diet can influence everything from blood sugar to pH and both are key causes of vaginal infections.
Unprotected Sex
Although yeast infections are not sexually transmitted women who have frequent unprotected sex are at an increased risk this simply because sperm and ejaculate are highly alkaline, making the vagina work harder to correct the acid balance.
Serious medical problems like diabetes, leukaemia, and HIV or AIDS can cause in increased occurrence of vaginal infections, particularly yeast infections with Candida. Diabetes alters body chemistry, pH, and causes elevated blood sugar that yeast thrives on. People with compromised immune systems, including patients with HIV or AIDS, are at an increased risk of persistent yeast infections, including oral thrush.
After a course of antibiotics takes a probiotic supplement to help reestablish the healthy microorganisms and prevent a full-blown infection.
Proper Dieting & Comfortable Clothing
An excellent diet is a key to preventing the re-occurrence and length of infections. Yeast, in particular, feeds on sugars in refined starches. A diet heavy in processed foods and empty carbohydrates causes spikes in blood sugar that yeast needs to survive. Limit consumption of potatoes, white flour, breads, crackers, and anything made with starches. Consuming any of these foods, particularly in excessive quantities, only fuels the fire.
Regular consumption of yoghurt is extremely effective at balancing the natural healthy flora in the intestines and vaginal area. Using milk supplemented with Sweet acidophilus cultures is another way to correct the natural balance of healthy bacteria in the vagina. Avoid synthetic underwear made from polyester, which can trap air and moisture. Wear cotton undergarments that naturally absorb moisture and promote air circulation.
Don’t use harsh soaps on the vaginal area. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, washing thoroughly with water is more effective at maintaining a healthy vaginal balance than using soap. Wear loose clothing. Under certain conditions, the combination of tight clothing and undergarments can lead to vaginal infections or cause additional discomfort to an active infection. For comfort and to encourage good air circulation to wear loose-fitting clothes or skirts.
Change clothes and underwear after working out or getting wet. Bacteria and fungi thrive in this warm and humid environment. Remove underwear during the night for better air circulation. This can be especially comfortable during an active infection.

Treatment Options

Pharmaceutical Treatments Prescription and OTC
The usual treatment of bacterial vaginosis is a 7-day course of antibiotics taken twice a day. Metronidazole is the antibiotic that most often prescribed. It’s a common antibiotic that targets bacteria and protozoa, making it an effective treatment for Trich. Antibiotics are affordable and readily available with a prescription, but they do cause side-effects, including nausea and diarrhoea.
For common yeast infections, doctors usually recommend an over-the-counter pharmaceutical treatment that contains an anti-fungal drug belonging to the “azole” class, (meaning the active ingredients all end with the suffix azole.) These anti-fungal treatments come in a number of forms from oral tablets to intravaginal suppositories and topical creams. The most popular treatment for yeast infections is a vaginal suppository that contains Miconazole.
These products are sold worldwide under the brand names: Miconazex, Monistat, Femizol and Gyno-Daktarin. As most women know, the feminine care aisle is a veritable jungle of products; even vaginal suppositories come in an amazing and confusing array of varying strengths, most commonly 1-Day, 3-Day, and 7-Day courses. Despite the different duration, these suppositories contain similar total amounts of the medication, but the longer courses are gentler and in some cases more effective.
Side Effects
Mild to severe burning and added swelling and irritation are the most common side-effects caused by applying harsh ingredients on irritated skin. Yeast infections are also known to return after these anti-fungal treatments because they treat these symptoms not the root cause. Brands like Monistat can be purchased at the drugstore for under $20. Store-brands and generic forms are also available for about half the cost.
Doctors will also prescribe oral anti-fungal medications to control yeast infections. The most common anti-fungal is Fluconazole, which is commonly sold under the brand names Diflucan, Tristan, and Alfumet. Many women prefer this oral treatment because it doesn’t cause additional irritation to the vagina like topical treatments can. With generic drug programs, this prescription medication can be purchased for under $10.
Natural and Homeopathic OTC Products
There are a host of natural and homoeopathic treatments for yeast infections and bacterial vaginitis. These all natural products are aimed at rebalancing the vagina flora. Many of these products contain healthy Lactobacillus bacteria along with herbal ingredients traditionally used to treat vaginal infections. Prices for these natural remedies are comparable to pharmaceutical over-the-counter treatments, usually $6-$24.
Natural products come in every form conceivable from gel creams to suppositories and oral tablets. YeastGard, AZO Yeast, Nature’s Cure, YeastAway by Boiron, and Hyland’s Vaginitis tablets are all available at most mainstream drugstores. Thursday Plantation has a line of tea tree oil-based suppositories and Yeast Arrest is another vaginal suppository, but it uses boric acid along with a number of antibacterial and anti-fungal botanicals.
Yeast Arrest is a harsh treatment intended for acute and chronic infections. The most common side-effect is burning. Yeast Arrest cures severe infections in 3-14 days.
Home Remedies
Plain yoghurt is one of the best home remedies for soothing irritation and restoring a healthy vaginal pH. Yoghurt can be frozen in the fingers of rubbers gloves for a home remedy that soothes in two ways or a non-applicator tampon can be dipped and yoghurt and inserted overnight for several consecutive nights.
Oils & Other Solutions
Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial used topically in India for centuries. Dip a non-applicator tampon is warmed coconut oil and insert overnight for 4 to 5 consecutive nights. Use all natural coconut oil intended for cooking.
Tea Tree Essential Oil is already approved to treat yeast infections in Italy. 10 drops can be added to a sitz bath or bucket to soak the pelvic area. Alternately, dip a non-applicator tampon in olive oil or coconut oil (K-Y jelly is fine too) and apply one or two drops of tea tree oil, insert overnight for 4 to 5 consecutive nights.
Tea tree essential oil is available at health food stores about around $10 depending on the quantity. Check to make sure the oil is not diluted with alcohol. Tea tree oil is a power antibacterial use only a few drops at a time. The most common side effect of tea tree oil is burning.
Wash a diluted vinegar solution to restore the naturally acidic vaginal pH. Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with a quart of water. A squirt bottle, like the type used for dish liquid, works great.

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Cure Vaginal & Yeast Infections With Natural & Herbal Remedies Cure Vaginal & Yeast Infections With Natural & Herbal Remedies Reviewed by ana on 08:17 Rating: 5
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