Ladies, Here Are 8 Morning Habits That Are Causing You to Gain Weight (You MUST Avoid Them!)

Ladies, you probably already know that eating healthy and moving more are the keys to a successful weight loss. YES, but those aren’t the only things that factor into a healthy lifestyle. And there’s something to be said for getting your day started off right.

1. Oversleeping

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. While getting enough sleep is essential, too much sleep can be just as bad as not getting enough. WebMD says too much sleep is linked to diabetes and heart disease. Plus, if you’re hitting snooze on the alarm clock you’re more likely to be in a rush which means you won’t have time for a healthy breakfast.

2. Skipping Breakfast

If you’re skipping breakfast, you could be messing up your metabolism, according to EAS Academy. When you eat breakfast, it increases your energy and stabilizes glucose levels. Breakfast also helps lower cortisol levels in the blood (the stress hormone). Surprisingly, your cortisol levels are at their highest when you wake up because your body increases production to prevent your blood glucose levels from dropping too low, just before you awaken. And finally: eating a healthy breakfast can make it easier to cut calories the rest of the day.

3. Checking Your E-Mail First

If the first thing you do is attach your face to an electronic device as soon as you open your eyes, you’re setting yourself up for failure. If you get distracted by a work or social email you could easily burn away the time you need to get breakfast or work in a few pushups.

4. Wrong Carbs

Healthy carbs are an important part of any diet, as your body breaks them down for energy. And having some carbs for breakfast is a simple way to bulk up your meal. However, eating too many carbs could make your carb cravings stronger throughout the day.
Aim to eat these carbs for a filling, healthy way to get energy: oats, shredded wheat, chocolate milk (before or after a workout), mango, sprouted bread, quinoa, apples, blueberries, bananas and Greek yogurt, according to Eat This Not That.

5. No Meditation

An early morning meditation session could help you lose weight. Deep breathing and relaxing music can help reduce your blood pressure and reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol, a stress hormone, is linked to weight gain and increased appetite.

6. You Don’t Stretch

Stretching can help loosen up sore muscles, clear your mind and get your body ready for the day. You don’t have to spend 20 minutes stretching. If you start cold, stretch gently and use moving stretches to avoid injury. Spend three to four minutes loosening up in the morning to give yourself a boost of energy.

7. Sunlight

That’s right! The sunlight is your friend! Give yourself a much-needed energy and mood boost by opening the blinds as soon as you get up. The natural light gets your mind and body ready to move. More energy means you’re more likely to get your exercise in (Bonus: do your exercise outside in morning sun for increased energy, a more positive attitude, and decreased tension, according to Science Daily.)

8. Drink Water

Before you guzzle back a cup of Joe, drink 8 ounces of cool water first. Water helps your body maintain proper balances (nutrients, temperature, food digestion). A glass of water first thing in the morning will kick start your body. Plus, water fills up your belly so you’re less likely to overeat.

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Ladies, Here Are 8 Morning Habits That Are Causing You to Gain Weight (You MUST Avoid Them!) Ladies, Here Are 8 Morning Habits That Are Causing You to Gain Weight (You MUST Avoid Them!) Reviewed by ana on 08:01 Rating: 5
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